Thursday, July 28, 2011

"City Hunter" Lee Min Ho, President Cheon Ho Jin is his father?? the impact of the truth

Lee Min Ho has finally learned the whole truth.
SBS is airing the 19th episode of their drama "City Hunter" (written by Hwang Eung Kyeong and Choi Su Jin, directed by Jin Hyeok) on 27th of July, where Lee Min Ho (Lee Yoon Seong) finally aware of the truth that he's the son of president Choi Eung Chan (Cheon Ho Jin).
Lee Yoon Seong (Lee Min Ho) is receiving a phone call from Cheon Jae Man (Choi Jeong Woo) because he catch Seok Du Sik (Seong Chan Hoon), his right-man. Cheon Jae Man is saying that he has the secret file that Lee Yoon Seong wanted, also the truth about Lee Kyeong Hee (Kim Mi Sook), and that's when Lee Yoon Seong realize something strange just happened.
Following an incoming call from Kim Na Na (Park Min Young), reporting to him that president Choi Eung Chan has the same embroidered handkerchief just like his mother Lee Kyeong Hee, Lee Yoon Seong started to feel a strange aura.
To find the truth, he's visiting his mother again, and slowly to realize the historical truth when he visit his mother Lee Kyong Hee, he knew why so many people looking for his mother.
Yoon Seong said to his mother "I didn't blame you..i know, did he abandoned us.." when he's asking his mother whether he's right about Choi Eung Chan being his biological father. Lee Kyeong Hee said sorry for not telling Yoon Seong at the first time and shed a tear. She said that president Choi Eung Chan didn't even know his existence and Cheon Jae Man was threatening her.
She ask if Yoon Seong was disappointed to know the truth, and saying sorry to Yoon Seong but Yoon Seong said that he was happy to live in the world and for her mother to reveal the truth, and say the he won't be ashamed of his mother.

Original Korean Text:

[TD온에어] ‘시티헌터’ 이민호, 대통령 천호진이 친부? 진실에 충격

[티브이데일리=전지혜 기자] 이민호가 드디어 모든 진실을 알게 됐다.

27일 방송된 SBS 수목드라마 '시티헌터'(극본 황은경 최수진, 연출 진혁) 19회에서는 윤성(이민호)이 결국 자신의 친아버지가 대통령 최응찬(천호진)이라는 사실을 알게됐다.

윤성은 천재만(최정우)의 수하 석두식(성창훈)을 잡아두며 비밀문서에 대한 이야기를 하다 천재만이 어머니 경희(김미숙)를 찾고 있다는 사실을 알고 이상하게 여기기 시작했다.

이어 나나(박민영)에게 걸려온 전화에서 대통령이 경희가 나나에게 준 자수가 놓인 손수건을 보고 경희를 찾는 다는 것과 그 손수건을 가지고 있다는 사실을 듣고 서서히 이상한 기운을 느끼기 시작했다.

이에 진실을 찾기 위해 예전에 경희를 찾으며 만났던 사람을 다시 찾아 경희의 과거를 서서히 알게 되고 결국 엄마를 찾아가 진실을 물었다.

윤성은 “엄마를 원망하는 것이 아니다. 죄송하다 다 알아버렸다”며 최응찬 대통령이 진짜 자신의 친아버지가 맞는지를 묻는다.이를 들은 경희는 윤성에게 먼저 얘기 못해서 미안하다며 눈물을 보였고 최응찬은 윤성의 존재 자체를 모른다는 것과 천재만 회장이 협박했던 사실을 알린다.

이어 엄마가 이런 여자라 실망했겠다며 윤성에게 미안한 모습을 보였지만 윤성은 이렇게 살아 계신 것만으로도 행복이라고 말하며 밝혀진 진실에 혼란 스럽지만 엄마를 보며 안타까워 하는 모습을 보였다.

[티브이데일리=전지혜 기자사진=SBS 방송화면 캡처]

Original Source: newsnate
English Translation: Monika

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